Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do W Choose Our Family?, Part 1

A number of people claim that we choose our parents. However, many parents and children faced with recurring conflicts really wonder if they had indeed chosen each other or whether their being together is a product of chance. Since we are endowed with free will, can we really choose which family to belong to?

Some children are very grateful for the parents they have because of the love and care they enjoy from them.

Some others, however, are resentful as their parents have many faults and exhibit character traits and upbringing principles which strongly inconvenience them in their childhood and youth, and some­times mar them for life.

On the other hand, some parents suffer a lot from their children’s behaviour. Often, either parents or children ask themselves questions like: Why do I have such children? Why do I have such parents? Or, still, spitefully “What did I do to deserve this?”

The latter question clearly reveals that the protagonists sense that to a certain extent they must have made a decision at some point in time that led to their present situation. In actual fact the composition of a family does not depend on chance but on the workings of two important Laws: The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species and the Law of Reciprocal Action. Our former deeds and past decisions determine our present family.

The law of attraction of homogeneous species

Science, in its materialistic approach, states that genes determine the entry of a new member into a family and that its personality develops from the genetic baggage of the parents. The child has therefore no choice in the matter and its development is a function of the coming together of genes from the mother and the father.

From the spiritual viewpoint man is not only a physical body but an immaterial spirit incarnated into one. The spirit pre-exists the body and is just one of the numerous other spirits still in the beyond striving to incarnate on earth in order to pursue their development and mature. So, among all these spirits in the beyond which one will eventually incarnate in the little body growing in the womb of an expectant mother?

The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species actually does the selection and ensures that similar kinds attract each other and come together.

The spirits of the parents attract in accordance with what emanates from them. The radiations of their spirits will have a well determined “colouring” reflecting their weaknesses and qualities, as well as their character. Among all the spirits ready to incarnate they will selectively and strongly attract the spirit with a similar colour; in other words, the one who possesses a combination of characteristics closest to theirs. It is the reason why children have so much in common, whether good or bad, with their parents. The similarity in character is due to the attraction of what is spiritually homogeneous and has nothing to do with genes.

There is a simple explanation to that fact. A gene, which is a particle belonging to gross matter, can only transmit hereditary characteristics of the same species of physical matter, such as the colour of the eyes, the shape of the face, and so on. It is incapable of transmitting immaterial and psychic characteristics because they are of a different species from it. The Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species would prevent that from happening since it upholds the attraction of similar species only. Consequently there is no spiritual heredity, unlike physical heredity which certainly exists. As a matter of fact, no gene responsible for psychic heredity has ever been found in spite of extensive research in that field.

The workings of the Law provide tremendous help as parents understand children with whom they have affinity. For example, a child with musical talent will blossom forth with parents who appreciate music rather than with those who have no interest and cannot therefore provide him with the necessary support.

Affinity between parents and children due to faults and weaknesses is also of great help as these shortcomings can be a foil to the child. The suffering caused by their manifestation can spur the child to strive in a radically opposite direction.

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