Certain substances that alter our blood composition and our state of being come from air and water pollution. These are heavy metals, such as lead, just to name one among many. Others belong to food additives.
Besides the long term physical symptoms of lead poisoning, it also brings on depression, alters the memory and the ability to concentrate, causes nightmares and provokes hallucinations. A person whose blood contains too much lead is prone to false perceptions, that is to say, he sees and hears things that do not exist. The lead levels, along with the levels of other toxic metals is generally much higher in delinquents. It goes without saying that lead can not be held responsible for the reprehensible acts committed by prisoners. Lead does not turn one into a criminal but, by altering the composition of the blood, it does contribute to clouding our perceptions and judgement.
Around the middle of the last century, a new and unusual behaviour started showing up in some young people. These children are hyperactive. They are unable to sit still, they are continually moving about and touching everything. Their ability to concentrate is very weak and they are easily distracted. They are not able to follow through with anything, often changing their activities without finishing any of them. They are not only a concern for their surroundings but also for themselves because they are incapable of integrating. This unhealthy state of hyperactivity is due to a food additive: phosphate, and would disappear if the phosphate was removed from the child’s diet.
New therapeutic possibilities
The knowledge of this unrecognized connection that the blood plays between the body and spirit opens the door to new therapeutic possibilities and allows a completely different orientation of treatment towards the problems concerning psychic balance. These treatments react on the spirit by means of the blood resulting in the spirit having an unaltered perception of reality.
Disturbances, depression or distress can all be treated by supplying the blood with the elements it needs and by eliminating those that are in excess.
There are many ways to alter the composition of the blood. We can remedy deficiencies through diets that are adapted to the needs of the person being treated, as well as by using food supplements containing the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for recovery. When it is a question of cleansing the blood, we can use toxins draining methods and we can neutralize and eliminate toxic metals with the help of specific trace elements. Of course, these methods do not alter the spirit per say, but help it to transform itself. They render its state in a way that better enables it to control its different states of being towards development in life.
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