CREATIONISM AND EVOLUTIONISM are two different ways of explaining the manifestation of living organisms on earth: plants, animals, and human beings. To date, both have caused numerous conflicts between their advocates, as they were presented as mutually exclusive. These conflicts are, however, not necessary as the two concepts are in reality complementary if they are considered from a spiritual viewpoint.
Creationism, which is generally based on the Bible, states that God created every plant and animal and then placed them together on earth. And so, everything came directly from the hand of the Creator.
Indeed, we read from Genesis: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit… Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth… cattle and creeping thing… So God created man in his own image.” (Genesis 1, 11-21-24-27).
According to some interpretations of the Bible, Creation, comprising all living things, occurred 4004 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Since then, plants and animals would have populated the earth without modifications to their shapes and abilities as they were already fully formed from the beginning.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) while studying the shapes of extinct animals preserved as fossils and comparing them to those actually living noted that all animal species appeared as improved variants of preceding ones.
It became clear to him that different creatures did not appear on earth together, already fully formed, but had rather issued from one another. Through the development of its faculties, the simplest creature produced a more elaborate one, which through the same process gave rise to yet another superior to itself and so forth until the appearance of the great apes, and finally Man.
Therefore the various plants and animals known to us today did not exist from the beginning but are the result of a slow process of evolution and development of faculties.
Thus, over millions of years, living species appeared, not simultaneously and fully completed as claimed by Creationists, but successively and gradually perfecting themselves.
When Darwin explained his ideas in the middle of the 19th century, the Creationists strongly opposed him. He was indeed challenging the fundamental vision of the world and Man which had hitherto prevailed.
Man was suddenly relegated to the rank of an animal since he was now a descendant of apes. Another implication was that he had not been created in the image of God but in that of the ape. Worse still, if animal species had issued one from the other it meant that God did not create them but that they had created themselves. The conclusion was that God was not the Creator of everything, and perhaps did not exist at all.
For every believer, including the Creationists, challenging the almighty creative power of God is nonsensical; hence the innate rejection of Evolutionism.
The problem, however, is that the evolutionist approach is based on the observation of concrete and incontestable facts leading to the conclusion that filiations and an evolution of species are logical and objective. But how can this impasse be averted?
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