What is the purpose of the blood?
It is generally accepted that the role of the blood is to irrigate the organic tissues so that the cells are constantly supplied with oxygen and nutrients. We also recognize the role it plays in evacuating toxins as well as transmitting hormonal messages from one cell to another. Furthermore, we know that the blood plays an important role in the organic defence system.
According to this information the blood is the body’s faithful servant that is used to carry out multiple functions. Hierarchically speaking, the body is held in first place and the blood, with its vital, but nevertheless subordinate role, is held in second place.
But is this true? Does the blood really play a subordinate role?
Upon examination of well know facts we will see that this is not the case.
During a 24-hour period of dialysis we can purify 300 to 400 grams of urea, whereas the single presence of 2 grams per litre of blood is considered very dangerous. Since our entire body only holds approximately seven litres of blood, where do the 300 to 400 grams of urea come from? Evidently it was not stored in the blood since the presence of a few grams is mortal, but it was held back in the body, more precisely in the organic tissues, and could only be returned to circulation through dialysis.
If the body is then sacrificed in this manner and must bear the price of intoxication by the urea in order to allow the blood to maintain a stable composition, does this not signify that the blood is more important than the body, and in this case, is the body not serving the blood?
Blood and deficiencies
The blood’s top position is equally evidenced in the opposite way, when the danger threatening the blood’s equilibrium is not an excess of harmful matter as was explained in the previous example, but is a lack of useful material. Normally the blood contains a certain amount of alkaline substances (calcium, sodium…) that it uses to neutralize acids that endanger its pH level, or in other words, its degree of acidity. When the influx of acid is too much and regular these alkaline minerals become depleted and another defence system takes over: alkaline minerals are taken from different tissues in the body. They are taken from the skeleton, the nails, the skin or the hair in order to re-establish the blood’s pH level.
When the pH unbalance is not resolved, the continual removal of alkaline minerals depletes the body of its mineral composition and transforms it into a real state of ruin: the bones decalcify and become porous; the teeth decay, crumble and fall out; the skin cracks, etc.
Here once again, the primordial importance of the blood is clearly observed by the veritable sacrifice of the body in favour of the blood. In order to maintain an ideal blood composition in alkaline minerals, the minerals are taken from the tissues and the organs even though these can be severely injured.
These two examples are neither exceptional nor unique. The same defence reactions take place when other wastes, besides urea, are concerned and with other nutritional substances.
Contrary to popular belief, the blood is therefore not present to serve the body but rather the body is there to serve the blood.
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