The choice of first name – pure coincidence?
We do not normally concern ourselves especially with our first name. We are used to it and we use it without thinking much about it. Often, however, our parents have pondered for a long time before they gave us that name. Do such considerations make sense? Do first names have a deeper meaning, can they be suitable or unsuitable, or is it all just the same whether someone is called Francis or George, Isabella or Suzanne?
Looked at cursorily, it could be assumed that first names are chosen randomly, just to name a young person somehow. In reality this is not the case, however, because every first name holds a particular power and corresponds to the personality of the one who bears it. Neither does the choice of name happen by chance, but the decision of the parents is controlled by the cosmic Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species.
A name for the “vibration”
Everything in our surroundings – be it stones, plants or artificially made objects, display certain characteristics. Colour, form, composition and material – they all enable us to distinguish things clearly from one another. We humans sense the particular “vibration” or “energy” which goes out from something.
Also, each tone has its particular “colour”, a radiation of its own. By naming an object we are unconsciously impelled by the power of the attraction of similar species to choose a suitable designation, thus to use sounds, the qualities of which correspond to the concerned item.
Thus names and designations for things are not chosen randomly, they are not arbitrarily interchangeable labels, rather each designation expresses something, it “vibrates” in a similar way as an object and possesses a certain “colour”, “energy” and “power”.
The same also goes for the name of a person. It denotes the person’s particular nature, which manifests in his radiations. The personal qualities of a soul are expressed in the name.
The fact that the choice of first name is usually made before the birth of the child does not contradict this reality. The parents can already sense the child’s radiations during the pregnancy, since the spirit has become attached to the mother long before the birth.
Everyone has most likely experienced the close relationship to one’s name. For instance, we immediately feel deeply agitated when our name is mispronounced and correct our conversation partner if this should happen repeatedly.
For parents, the particular individual significance of each first name is easy to recognise. They need only imagine exchanging their children’s names and they will already sense the discordant tones – and not only for reasons of habit: name and child simply do not harmonise any more.
The necessity of accord between the person and his name is naturally also true for twins. Although they are very similar physically, twins have two different spirits. Both have their own path in life behind them, which led them through the former incarnations, both have developed their own personality and both therefore need “their” names. The example is shown in the following true-life story:
A woman gave birth to twins and told the midwife the names she had chosen for the two girls. But she noticed to her great dismay from the wristbands when the daughters were brought to her that the names had been mixed up: the firstborn – she should have been called Maria – bore the name of the second-born, Emma, and vice versa. The mother immediately asked that the error be corrected. It was pointed out to her that the children were already registered with these names and that the mix-up would have no consequences anyway, since they were both her daughters. The mother would have nothing of this and, appalled, vigorously insisted that the record be corrected. Finally she was told that this would be done – for the relief of the mother, but also for the benefit of both girls.
Under the child’s pressure …
In view of the great importance of the name, it was customary in some cultures to leave the choice to the priest or shaman. Nowadays, in most cases the parents determine their child’s first name. Nonetheless, the choice of name is not made arbitrarily or by accident, but it is subject to pressure of the child’s radiation. The child’s spirit is connected with the little body developing in the mother’s womb and it radiates in its own way and thereby also has a steering influence on the parents, it guides their thoughts in a certain direction and ultimately determines the choice of name. The name is thus in accord with the child’s radiations, it suits the child.
Thus it can also happen that parents who already had a first name in mind before the pregnancy suddenly change their mind, because they come to the conclusion that the name really does not “suit the child”. Others, who for a long time could not think of a suitable name for their child, suddenly perceive with all clarity what he should be named. Often parents also experience that despite intensive pondering, no suitable name for a boy comes to mind and they can only think of girls’ names, and then it turns out that in fact a girl is born.
The fact that a child sometimes bears the same first name as one of the parents likewise does not contradict the lawfulness in finding the name: As was already made clear in part 3 of this series, the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species determines that human spirits with a certain like-mindedness can come together in a family. The similarity of a name can bring this to expression.
How can the changing trends in the choice of first names be judged, thus the fact that in every generation there are always very popular names and that names which have hardly been used for decades suddenly become the vogue again for a time? Also this supposed fad is based on the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species. It is reflected in the particular style of each epoch in the social and historical context, which always attracts a certain type of human spirits and this also comes to expression in the frequently used first names.
The choice of the forename is therefore not left to chance, but it is subject to the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species. Our name reflects who we are. Its vibration is a valuable help for our life on earth. It helps us to awaken our own powers.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Speaking Events in the USA
Christopher Vasey will deliver three workshops in Maryland, USA on naturopathy, health, body, mind and spirit, using the knowledge contained in the Grail Message as his foundation.
Dates and Times:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ~ 7 PM
Slayton House / Wilde Lake Community Center
10400 Cross Fox Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Thursday, October 28, 2010 ~ 7 PM
The Common Market
5728 Buckeystown Pike, Unit 1-B
Frederick, MD 21704
Tel: 301-663-3416
Friday, October 29, 2010 ~ 7 PM
Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza
One Veterans Place
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: 240-777-5300
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Blackrock Center for the Arts
12901 Town Commons Drive
Germantown, MD 20874
Hope to see you there!
Dates and Times:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ~ 7 PM
Slayton House / Wilde Lake Community Center
10400 Cross Fox Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Thursday, October 28, 2010 ~ 7 PM
The Common Market
5728 Buckeystown Pike, Unit 1-B
Frederick, MD 21704
Tel: 301-663-3416
Friday, October 29, 2010 ~ 7 PM
Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza
One Veterans Place
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: 240-777-5300
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Blackrock Center for the Arts
12901 Town Commons Drive
Germantown, MD 20874
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Being Vegetarian, Part 2
Adaptation to change
The question of meat-eating is different for a born vegetarian, living in a country where by tradition meat is not consumed, than for someone who becomes a vegetarian. In the first case, the body is accustomed to functioning without animal flesh for generations and is able to provide adequate blood radiations from other types of foods. The spirit is therefore well adapted to the body, though it should be noted that vegetarian nations are more prone to dreaming and meditating than meat-consuming nations.
In this second case, the people who decide to stop eating meat, had done so for decades and inherited a physical body that was accustomed to eating meat for generations. The suppression of meat cannot therefore be easy. They generally face a problem of adaptation to their new way of life.
The process is similar to that of a smoker who decides to stop this habit. The body no longer receives the nicotine that stimulated the organ functions prior to quitting smoking. The organs then slow down their activity and cannot accomplish the work expected of them. Consequently problems arise: headaches, lethargy, constipation, nervousness, etc. A general malaise also sets in.
Since meat is a type of food rather than a drug, its suppression does not cause acute disorders. In fact there may not be any visible problems for weeks or months thereafter. On the contrary, those who effect the change generally feel better and more energetic. However, problems arise with time.
Initially the body succeeds in maintaining a correct blood radiation because the meat consumed in the past exerts its influence for a while. Since the body does not have any substitute element at its disposal to replace what it found in meat, the composition of the blood and its radiations will be modified. It can then no longer offer a good connection to the spirit, which cannot penetrate the body and manifest with the same force and intensity as before. A certain distancing and pondering sets in. This state, however, only manifests very progressively and for this reason it often goes unperceived until being clearly present. Therefore it is not attributed to the suppressing of meat, that would have occurred quite a long time before.
A person in this situation does not enjoy life as he should. The aim of human life is indeed to give the spirit the opportunity to experience on the earthly plane, and develop the faculties entrusted to it by the Creator. These experiences must be intensely lived according to the spirit’s wishes. In order to feel and to act efficiently, the spirit must be correctly linked to the body. This is not the case for those who eliminate meat consumption. The “lack of presence” of their spirit does not allow them to fully experience their lives. Events glide past them without touching them. Moreover, the decrease in their inner zeal leads to lethargy and lack of interest in external issues, which they actually avoid due to their additional sensitivity. They therefore miss a great deal of experiences and must subsequently make up for lost time.
Should meat be eliminated from the diet or not?
From a spiritual viewpoint, it is not recommended to eliminate meat from the diet of one used to it. By so doing the body is deprived of the possibility to offer a vital link to the spirit through blood radiations. Should meat then continue to be a part of our diet? If so, in what quantity? There is no single answer for everyone as it depends on the one concerned. If a person is too attached and inclined towards materialism, it is necessary to reduce the amount of meat consumption in order for him to open himself more easily to spiritual matters. On the other hand, whenever one “drifts” or “floats” too much, meat consumption should be increased in order to bring him back to reality. These measures can be alternated over time.
Changes can be effected either in the quantity taken at a meal (to be increased or decreased, as necessary), or the frequency of servings (meat consumed daily or every other day). The choice of animal flesh is also important. Red meat contains more toxins and grounds us more than white meat (veal, poultry, lamb) and fish.
The need for meat varies from one individual to another and from one epoch in the evolution of man to another. Needs were greater at the beginning of human history than they are in the present time. Then, the incarnating spirits needed very strong blood radiations that would firmly anchor them in gross matter, which was very alien to them and which they were penetrating for the first time. Now, needs differ in our materialistic world. A reduction in the consumption of animal flesh and a transition towards a more vegetarian diet would be desirable. However, such a transition should be progressive. It cannot be achieved in the course of a single earth-life but must be stretched over several generations.
The question of meat-eating is different for a born vegetarian, living in a country where by tradition meat is not consumed, than for someone who becomes a vegetarian. In the first case, the body is accustomed to functioning without animal flesh for generations and is able to provide adequate blood radiations from other types of foods. The spirit is therefore well adapted to the body, though it should be noted that vegetarian nations are more prone to dreaming and meditating than meat-consuming nations.
In this second case, the people who decide to stop eating meat, had done so for decades and inherited a physical body that was accustomed to eating meat for generations. The suppression of meat cannot therefore be easy. They generally face a problem of adaptation to their new way of life.
The process is similar to that of a smoker who decides to stop this habit. The body no longer receives the nicotine that stimulated the organ functions prior to quitting smoking. The organs then slow down their activity and cannot accomplish the work expected of them. Consequently problems arise: headaches, lethargy, constipation, nervousness, etc. A general malaise also sets in.
Since meat is a type of food rather than a drug, its suppression does not cause acute disorders. In fact there may not be any visible problems for weeks or months thereafter. On the contrary, those who effect the change generally feel better and more energetic. However, problems arise with time.
Initially the body succeeds in maintaining a correct blood radiation because the meat consumed in the past exerts its influence for a while. Since the body does not have any substitute element at its disposal to replace what it found in meat, the composition of the blood and its radiations will be modified. It can then no longer offer a good connection to the spirit, which cannot penetrate the body and manifest with the same force and intensity as before. A certain distancing and pondering sets in. This state, however, only manifests very progressively and for this reason it often goes unperceived until being clearly present. Therefore it is not attributed to the suppressing of meat, that would have occurred quite a long time before.
A person in this situation does not enjoy life as he should. The aim of human life is indeed to give the spirit the opportunity to experience on the earthly plane, and develop the faculties entrusted to it by the Creator. These experiences must be intensely lived according to the spirit’s wishes. In order to feel and to act efficiently, the spirit must be correctly linked to the body. This is not the case for those who eliminate meat consumption. The “lack of presence” of their spirit does not allow them to fully experience their lives. Events glide past them without touching them. Moreover, the decrease in their inner zeal leads to lethargy and lack of interest in external issues, which they actually avoid due to their additional sensitivity. They therefore miss a great deal of experiences and must subsequently make up for lost time.
Should meat be eliminated from the diet or not?
From a spiritual viewpoint, it is not recommended to eliminate meat from the diet of one used to it. By so doing the body is deprived of the possibility to offer a vital link to the spirit through blood radiations. Should meat then continue to be a part of our diet? If so, in what quantity? There is no single answer for everyone as it depends on the one concerned. If a person is too attached and inclined towards materialism, it is necessary to reduce the amount of meat consumption in order for him to open himself more easily to spiritual matters. On the other hand, whenever one “drifts” or “floats” too much, meat consumption should be increased in order to bring him back to reality. These measures can be alternated over time.
Changes can be effected either in the quantity taken at a meal (to be increased or decreased, as necessary), or the frequency of servings (meat consumed daily or every other day). The choice of animal flesh is also important. Red meat contains more toxins and grounds us more than white meat (veal, poultry, lamb) and fish.
The need for meat varies from one individual to another and from one epoch in the evolution of man to another. Needs were greater at the beginning of human history than they are in the present time. Then, the incarnating spirits needed very strong blood radiations that would firmly anchor them in gross matter, which was very alien to them and which they were penetrating for the first time. Now, needs differ in our materialistic world. A reduction in the consumption of animal flesh and a transition towards a more vegetarian diet would be desirable. However, such a transition should be progressive. It cannot be achieved in the course of a single earth-life but must be stretched over several generations.
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